Plans for retirement flats and bungalows on site

The former Firsway Garages siteThe former Firsway Garages site
The former Firsway Garages site | other
Plans to build a retirement housing development  in a town have been lodged.

Applicant Lane End Developments Ltd want to build 78 affordable retirement living apartments and nine bungalows for over 55s at the former Firsway Garages site on land off Plank Lane, Leigh.

Proposals would see existing vacant garages on the site demolished.

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The bungalows would have private gardens and the flats would have amenity space while car parking would be provided.

In total, 40 of the bungalows would have one-bedroom while 38 would have two bedrooms.

In planning documents submitted as part of the application, the applicant said the development would provide a “valuable opportunity “to enhance a brownfield site in the town.

The applicant said the development also aimed to “free up demand” on family homes within Leigh to encourage young families to move to the town.

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They said: “Locating new development close to the town centre has the potential to support shops and other facilities by increasing the number of people living nearby to link easily to the town centre.

“Affordable housing plays a key role in the regeneration of the area, of which, all units will be affordable rent to encourage the older generation to stay close to family and friends in Leigh, freeing up demand on family homes within Leigh to encourage young families to move to Leigh.”

The application site currently hosts vacant car garages with unmanaged grassland and is bordered off around the remaining parameters.

The applicant said that the need for a more “homogenous feel” to the area and regeneration of the Mitchell Street and Plank Lane locality as an established neighbourhood, indicated that the disused site would benefit from development and would have a positive impact.

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They said: “We feel that the scheme will have a positive impact in this area as a direct result of its design and appearance.

“The proposal will provide a high-quality development, creating much needed retirement living apartments and bungalows for people to live in the area of Leigh affordably.

“The approach taken to arrive to this point has been driven by the requirements of local policy in relation to design and layout.

“The proposal will enhance the street scene and bring a function back to a currently underutilised site. “

“They added: “This (the development) will have a positive effect on the wider community.”

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