Standish yoga studio is enjoying success with online classes

Michelle Almond has enjoyed success with Studio One's online classesMichelle Almond has enjoyed success with Studio One's online classes
Michelle Almond has enjoyed success with Studio One's online classes
The Covid-19 restrictions have forced businesses, gyms and yoga studios to adapt the way they operate – and Studio One was no different.

And the Standish yoga studio has had such success with online classes, it plans to keep them going even when they are allowed to return to ‘normal’ training - in addition to their studio classes.

Michelle Almond, who opened Studio One in 2014, has been running regular classes online during lockdown, and found some benefits to the new way of training such as offering shorter classes.

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“Prior to lockdown back in March very few people would have travelled to Standish to take part in a 30-minute class,” she said. “However, the beauty of being online is that eliminating the commute means more people can access classes they would never have done before.”

Some of the Studio One members - pictured before lockdownSome of the Studio One members - pictured before lockdown
Some of the Studio One members - pictured before lockdown

Offering classes online also allowed the studio to reconnect with people who have moved from the area.

“We’ve had past students who no longer live in Wigan sign up for classes each week and it’s been lovely to feel like they’re back in the community,” said Almond.

“The online classes are here to stay and it’s something we simply look to add to over the coming months as we – someday soon – reopen the building in Standish and welcome students back in person.”

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She also offered free 30-minute ‘how-to’ classes covering all the common poses you’d see in a class – a way to help beginners to learn what they’re doing from the comfort of their home. Student Annette Robinson said: “Some of the best things to come out of lockdown has been being able to do more Studio One Yoga classes. Michelle is such a fantastic teacher and still manages to retain the personal touch while teaching online.”

And fellow student Cheryl Collins said: “As a busy mum with a full time job, I’d often thought about taking up meditation, so when Michelle started the online sessions in lockdown I loved it. I’d tried various apps and YouTube videos before but couldn’t seem to make it stick so I jumped at the chance to join the Studio One meditation club.

“For the first time ever I’m managing almost daily practice and reaping the benefits.”

Before the pandemic, Studio One Yoga ran 30 classes a week as well as hosting workshops and lectures delivered by international teachers, and has trained over 45 people to become yoga teachers.

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In previous years they have entered teams into the Wigan 10K to support the CALM charity (Campaign Against Living Miserably).

With the event cancelled last year, they completed certification in Suicide First Aid.

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