Super League players show united front amid talk of cutting salary cap limit

Sean O'Loughlin is Wigan's representativeSean O'Loughlin is Wigan's representative
Sean O'Loughlin is Wigan's representative | other
Many Super League players have united to post blue squares on Twitter today - to take a stand against talk of reducing the salary cap.

GMB, the union for rugby league players, is calling on the RFL to ensure that players have a greater saying in the upcoming review of the salary cap.

The calls come as GMB held a consultation meeting with player representatives from all top-flight clubs this week. The meeting unanimously called for players to get a greater say in the way the sport is revived and called the RFL and the clubs not cut the current salary cap.

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In recent weeks the players and the union have called for players to have a greater say in the running of the game.

Garreth Carvell GMB RLPA rep and former Great Britain International said:

“We all want a return to Rugby League ASAP, and whilst we know there are huge obstacles to overcome, its vital that players can have their say on how we get there.

“We also know that fans and our communities support our call to the RFL and the clubs to give us our voice and say in how the Rugby revival takes shape. With the imminent review of the Salary cap, it’s the player’s wages that will be cut, and yet they don’t get say.

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“Players believe now, more than any time before, our input is vital. It can’t be right that the people playing the game are the only ones that don’t get a say.”

Peter Davies, GMB Senior Organiser, said: “No one denies that clubs are going to have to cut their cloth, especially if we have to play the season out in closed stadiums.

“We’ve made it clear that GMB and our RLPA members will work with them to safe guard the game but players have been clear, they oppose any cut to the salary cap and see that as a restriction in itself to the development and revival of the sport.”